Uterine fibroid embolization (UFE) competes with myomectomy and hysterectomy for the treatment of uterine fibroids. All patients should be given factual information so that they can make the best treatment decision for themselves. Too often the gynecological community gives misleading information so that they do not lose patients (and income) to interventional radiologists who perform uterine fibroid embolization.
Some of these myths include:
You may have a cancer so you need the fibroid removed
Sexual function get worse
You have the wrong kind of fibroids
Your fibroids are too large.
You can't get pregnant after UFE
You will end up in menopause after UFE
UFE Pain is unbearable
Getting back to the basics of interacting with patients
Antegrade superficial femoral artery access is safe and offers significant advantages or traditional common femoral artery access.
Global Embolization Symposition 2018 Abstract Presentation: The "uncoil coil" technique for varicoele embolization