79 year old female with non healing ulcers. Occlusion of all three arteries in the calf. Antegrade attempt at opening the anterior tibial artery failed. Retrograde crossing from the distal anterior tibial artery was successful. Treated with orbital atherectomy and angiograplasty. Ulcers healed in under 4 weeks. Entire procedure done in 75 minutes. Patients entire stay was under 4 hours.
67 year old male, type1 diabetic, with painful ulceration at the tip of the second toe. Patient did not toe amputation.
The tip of a hydrophilic wire was fractured and subsequently retrieved during the crossing of a distal anterior tibial artery near occlusion
36 year old with pelvic aching and heaviness, painful intercourse and urinary frequency treated with the "uncoil coil" technique