65 year old cyclist with extensive superficial and deep venous incompetence and venous ulceration
Percutaneous bypass graft for severe critical limb ischemia
Review of the clinical findings and their usefulness in identifying patients with peripheral arterial disease
55 year old female that underwent a skin biopsy with non healing of the biopsy site at 7 weeks.
101 year old female, admitted to the hospital with foot and toe pain. Patient had a cool pulseless foot.
79 year old female with non healing ulcers. Occlusion of all three arteries in the calf.
46 year old male, type 1 diabetes, with ulcers on several toes. Patient had palpable pulses at the ankle.
61 year old male, diabetic, developed a lateral right foot ulcer after a pedicure. The posterior tibial artery pulse was palpable.
64 year old male, type 1 diabetes, with a prior femoral to politeal bypass graft and a subsequent poplileal to tibial bypass graft.
67 year old male, type1 diabetic, with painful ulceration at the tip of the second toe. Patient did not toe amputation.
82 year old male, heavy smoker, developed right heel ulcer during rehab after a femur fracture.
83 year old male, Type I Diabetes, end stage renal disease, living independently who was told he needed a below knee amputation.
86 year old female with a several month history of a painful non-healing ulcer over the lateral malleolus.
Arterial and Venous testing in patients with lower extremity ulcers
Diabetic Foot Ulceration (DFU) is one of the most severe consequences of diabetes.
Ulcers (wounds) involving the feet and toes are most commonly seen in diabetic patients and are commonly called diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs).