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86 year old female with a several month history of a painful non-healing ulcer over the lateral malleolus. This area is in the peroneal artery angiosome. Occlusions of the peroneal and posterior tibial artery were treated with orbital atherectomy. Ulcer healed within 1 month.

More Seldinger Files

Leg & Foot UlcersNon healing wound after skin biopsy

55 year old female that underwent a skin biopsy with non healing of the biopsy site at 7 weeks.

Renal Vein CompressionPartial extratraction of a maldeployed renal vein stent

Renal vein stent placed for Nutracker Syndrome was placed too far into the IVC and causing pain. Stent was partially removed.

Arterial AneurysmEnlarging Internal Iliac Artery Aneurysm

Asymptomatic slowly enlarging internal iliac artery aneurysm