62 year old male, heavy smoker, with a long history of leg pain with exertion. Under went spinal fusion with no improvement in symptoms. Exercise ABI's demonstrated severe peripheral arterial disease. CT angiography showed occlusion of the infra renal abdominal aorta, bilateral common iliac arteries, left external iliac artery and severe disease of the right external iliac artery. Recanalization was difficult and ultimately accomplished using a sharp reentry technqiue with a Chiba needle into the abdominal aorta. Covered endografts were used to treat the patient. ABI's were normalized post procedure.
87 year old male with a right groin pseudoaneurysm due to the dehisences of the fabric of an aorto bifemoral bypass graft
Presentation at Charring Cross Meeting London 2015
Painful varicoceles interfering with high school athletics