56 year old male, life long smoker, presents with severe bilateral lower extremity claudication. At initial visit, medical management and risk factors were addressed. Trial of management with Pletal failed at 1 month due to side effects. Patient's employment was at risk due to limitations in walking. CT angiography showed left external iliac, common femoral and superficial femoral artery occlusions. Endovascular therapy was performed with angioplasty and stenting the left EIA and JetStream atherectomy of the left CFA. At 31 months the left EIA and CFA remain patent.
86 year old female with a several month history of a painful non-healing ulcer over the lateral malleolus.
Active female with severe venous claudication 9 years after iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis.
Endovascular repair of an anastomic stenosis of a aortobifemoral bypass graft using JetStream atherectomy