56 year old male, life long smoker, presents with severe bilateral lower extremity claudication. At initial visit, medical management and risk factors were addressed. Trial of management with Pletal failed at 1 month due to side effects. Patient's employment was at risk due to limitations in walking. CT angiography showed left external iliac, common femoral and superficial femoral artery occlusions. Endovascular therapy was performed with angioplasty and stenting the left EIA and JetStream atherectomy of the left CFA. At 31 months the left EIA and CFA remain patent.
Ultrasound of Incompetent SaphenoFemoral Junction Valve
36 year old with pelvic aching and heaviness, painful intercourse and urinary frequency treated with the "uncoil coil" technique
Current physiologic testing for ulcer perfusion may fail to identify patients with ischemia